You awake to a cool wind running through the air.
Apparently suspended in some kind of mist, you can't see anything past the haze.
[[→|start2]]You hear (text-colour:#b2f188)[a soft voice] ask for your name.
[[Enter Name →|start3-nameinput]](text-color:#b2f188)["](text-colour:#ff1a25)[$name.](text-color:#b2f188)[ Is this what you call yourself?"]
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)[**Your name cannot be changed later**]
[[Yes →|start5]]
[[No ←|start3-nameinput]](text-color:#b2f188)["You have a wonderful name,](text-colour:#ff1a25)[ $name. ](text-color:#b2f188)[Now tell me. What are your pronouns?"]
[[Enter Pronouns →|start6-pronounsinput]](text-colour:#9ba23f)+(bg:#504949)[//While I think this feature is fully implimented and correct, please let me know if you find any issues.//]
(set: $pronounconfirm to 0)
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)[Enter your subjective pronoun in ''lowercase''.
(ex. she, he, they, it. //She/he// has a pet.)]
(input: bind $heshe, "")
{(live: 1s)[
(if: $pronounconfirm is 1)[
(if: 1st of $heshe is "a")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "a", "A", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "b")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "b", "B", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "c")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "c", "C", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "d")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "d", "D", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "e")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "e", "E", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "f")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "f", "F", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "g")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "g", "G", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "h")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "h", "H", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "i")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "i", "I", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "j")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "j", "J", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "k")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "k", "K", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "l")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "l", "L", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "m")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "m", "M", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "n")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "n", "N", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "o")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "o", "O", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "p")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "p", "P", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "q")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "q", "Q", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "r")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "r", "R", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "s")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "s", "S", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "t")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "t", "T", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "u")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "u", "U", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "v")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "v", "V", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "w")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "w", "W", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "x")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "x", "X", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "y")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "y", "Y", $heshe))
](else-if: 1st of $heshe is "z")[
(set: $capheshe to (str-replaced: 1, "z", "Z", $heshe))
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)[Enter your objective pronoun in ''lowercase''.
(ex. her, him, them, it. We didn't leave any for //her/him//.)]
(input: bind $himher, "")
{(live: 1s)[
(if: $pronounconfirm is 1)[
(if: 1st of $himher is "a")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "a", "A", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "b")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "b", "B", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "c")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "c", "C", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "d")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "d", "D", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "e")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "e", "E", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "f")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "f", "F", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "g")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "g", "G", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "h")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "h", "H", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "i")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "i", "I", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "j")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "j", "J", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "k")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "k", "K", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "l")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "l", "L", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "m")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "m", "M", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "n")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "n", "N", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "o")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "o", "O", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "p")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "p", "P", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "q")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "q", "Q", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "r")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "r", "R", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "s")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "s", "S", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "t")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "t", "T", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "u")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "u", "U", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "v")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "v", "V", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "w")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "w", "W", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "x")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "x", "X", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "y")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "y", "Y", $himher))
](else-if: 1st of $himher is "z")[
(set: $caphimher to (str-replaced: 1, "z", "Z", $himher))
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)[Enter your posessive determiner in ''lowercase''.
(ex. her, his, their, its. //Her/his// friend is sick.)]
(input: bind $hisher, "")
{(live: 1s)[
(if: $pronounconfirm is 1)[
(if: 1st of $hisher is "a")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "a", "A", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "b")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "b", "B", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "c")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "c", "C", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "d")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "d", "D", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "e")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "e", "E", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "f")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "f", "F", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "g")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "g", "G", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "h")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "h", "H", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "i")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "i", "I", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "j")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "j", "J", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "k")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "k", "K", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "l")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "l", "L", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "m")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "m", "M", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "n")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "n", "N", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "o")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "o", "O", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "p")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "p", "P", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "q")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "q", "Q", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "r")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "r", "R", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "s")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "s", "S", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "t")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "t", "T", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "u")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "u", "U", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "v")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "v", "V", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "w")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "w", "W", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "x")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "x", "X", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "y")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "y", "Y", $hisher))
](else-if: 1st of $hisher is "z")[
(set: $caphisher to (str-replaced: 1, "z", "Z", $hisher))
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)[Enter your posessive pronoun in ''lowercase''.
(ex. hers, his, theirs, its. That gemstone is //hers/his//.)]
(input: bind $hishers, "")
{(live: 1s)[
(if: $pronounconfirm is 1)[
(if: 1st of $hishers is "a")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "a", "A", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "b")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "b", "B", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "c")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "c", "C", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "d")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "d", "D", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "e")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "e", "E", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "f")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "f", "F", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "g")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "g", "G", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "h")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "h", "H", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "i")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "i", "I", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "j")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "j", "J", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "k")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "k", "K", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "l")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "l", "L", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "m")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "m", "M", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "n")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "n", "N", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "o")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "o", "O", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "p")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "p", "P", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "q")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "q", "Q", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "r")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "r", "R", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "s")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "s", "S", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "t")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "t", "T", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "u")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "u", "U", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "v")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "v", "V", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "w")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "w", "W", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "x")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "x", "X", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "y")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "y", "Y", $hishers))
](else-if: 1st of $hishers is "z")[
(set: $caphishers to (str-replaced: 1, "z", "Z", $hishers))
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)[Enter your reflexive pronoun in ''lowercase''.
(ex. herself, himself, themselves, itself. She/he doesn't talk about //herself/himself//.)]
(input: bind $himherself, "")
{(live: 1s)[
(if: $pronounconfirm is 1)[
(if: 1st of $himherself is "a")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "a", "A", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "b")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "b", "B", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "c")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "c", "C", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "d")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "d", "D", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "e")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "e", "E", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "f")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "f", "F", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "g")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "g", "G", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "h")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "h", "H", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "i")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "i", "I", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "j")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "j", "J", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "k")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "k", "K", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "l")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "l", "L", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "m")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "m", "M", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "n")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "n", "N", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "o")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "o", "O", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "p")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "p", "P", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "q")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "q", "Q", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "r")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "r", "R", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "s")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "s", "S", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "t")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "t", "T", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "u")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "u", "U", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "v")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "v", "V", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "w")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "w", "W", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "x")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "x", "X", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "y")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "y", "Y", $himherself))
](else-if: 1st of $himherself is "z")[
(set: $caphimherself to (str-replaced: 1, "z", "Z", $himherself))
(text-color:#b8b8b8)[Are your pronouns singular or plural? (Plural pronouns are like they/them. Think: If the sentence "What is she doing?" doesn't sound right with your pronouns, then they're likely plural.)]
(checkbox: bind $plrl, "My pronouns are plural.")
(text-color:#b8b8b8)[Please wait a second after setting pronouns before continuing to allow them to set.]
(link: "Click to set pronouns.")[(set: $pronounconfirm to 1)(text-colour:#b8b8b8)[Pronouns set.]]
[[Reset Pronouns|start6-pronounsinput]]
<!--|||ONLY INCLUDE IF NEXT OPTION HAS PLURAL VARIANT|||copy this and change $nxt to next number to add multiple options|||-->
(set: $nxt1 to "start7-pronounsconfirm") <!--LOOP START|||sets the base name of the 1st next passage-->
{(live: 2s)[(if: $plrl is false)[ <!--runs the plural pronoun check, replacing the destination depending on result-->
(link-goto: "Try Pronouns →", $nxt1)] <!--change quotes to change displayed text-->
(link-goto: "Try Pronouns →", "plrl-" + $nxt1)]]<!--LOOP END-->}
<!--|||Include commented out basic pointers at end so the passage map looks right.-->
[[plrl-debugplrl2]]-->(text-colour:#b8b8b8)["Is $heshe hurt? What happened to $himher?"]
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)["That's $hishers, you can't take that!"]
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)["Leave $himher alone. $capheshe doesn't deserve this."]
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)["Do you know if $hisher health will improve?"]
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)["I may not know $name very well, but it seems $heshe can at least take care of $himherself."]
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)[**Your pronouns cannot be changed later**]
[[Confirm →|start8-whatinput]]
[[Go Back ←|start6-pronounsinput]]
<!--(text-colour:#b8b8b8)["Hello! Today I met someone who goes by $name. $capheshe has a wonderful personality. That smile of $hishers really makes me happy. I could talk to $himher all day although $heshe doesn't talk about $himherself much. I wonder if $hisher day has been wonderful. I hope so!]"--><!--(unpack: (split: "a", $heshe) into (a: "", $heshebit))
(set: $capheshe to "S"+$heshebit)-->
(set: $capname to (str-replaced: 1, "s", "S", $name))(text-colour:#b8b8b8)[Enter your preferred name, capitalized.]
(input: bind $name, "")
[[Check Name →|start4-nameconfirm]]
<!--[[debug|debugname]]-->(text-colour:#b8b8b8)["Are $heshe hurt? What happened to $himher?"]
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)["That's $hishers, you can't take that!"]
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)["Leave $himher alone. $capheshe don't deserve this."]
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)["Do you know if $hisher health will improve?"]
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)["I may not know $name very well, but it seems $heshe can at least take care of $himherself."]
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)[**Your pronouns cannot be changed later**]
[[Confirm →|start8-whatinput]]
[[Go Back ←|start6-pronounsinput]]
<!--(text-colour:#b8b8b8)["Hello! Today I met someone who goes by $name. $capheshe has a wonderful personality. That smile of $hishers really makes me happy. I could talk to $himher all day although $heshe doesn't talk about $himherself much. I wonder if $hisher day has been wonderful. I hope so!]"-->singular pronounsplural pronouns(text-colour:#b2f188)["Thank you. Finally, which best describes how you see yourself, ](text-colour:#ff1a25)[$name](text-colour:#b2f188)[?"]
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)[Pick from the dropdown menu.]
(text-color: #808080)[
(dropdown: bind $blessing, "---", "a butterfly", "a cat", "a dog", "an elf", "a fairy", "a fish", "a flower", "a fox", "a human", "a lizard", "a plant", "space", "a spirit", "a star", "a tree", "the void")]
[[Check Self →|start9-whatconfirm]](text-colour:#b2f188)["So you see yourself as](text-colour:#f0a3cc)[ $blessing](text-colour:#b2f188)[?"]
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)[**You cannot be changed later**]
[[Yes →|start10]]
[[No ←|start8-whatinput]](text-colour:#b2f188)["Quite admirable."]
[[→|start10.1]]Your body slowly goes numb, your vision fading.
You faintly see yourself from afar, unconsious in a sea of fog.
[[→|start12]]As you drift out of lucidity, you feel at ease with the physical world and a sense of bliss washes over you, sweeping you away from waking existence.
[[→|pre-river3]]A soft rumble fades in, accompanied by a cool sensation enveloping your body.
[[→|pre-river4]]It's pleasant, but you feel as though you shouldn't open your eyes.
[[→|pre-river5]]Against your better judgement, you slowly open your eyes...
[[→|pre-river6]](text-colour:#9ba23f)+(bg:#504949)[//This part of the story/map is under construction. Please return in a future update.//](text-colour:#b8b8b8)[This game is not finished.
There may be glitches, spelling errors, bugs, gramatical errors, and other imperfections.]
(text-colour:#9ba23f)+(bg:#504949)[//Note: Warnings or notices from the developer (me (Caramel Treat)) will look like this.//]
(text-colour:#b8b8b8)[If you find anything, please let me know via Discord. My username is carameltreat.
If Discord is not an option for whatever reason, or you just don't feel like using it, you can also email me at
Thank you for playing. Enjoy Wanderlust.]
[[→|start0.1]][[→|pre-river1]]The voice pauses for a moment.
[[→|start10.2]](text-colour:#b2f188)["You are ready. Proceed with curiosity,](text-colour:#ff1a25)[ $name](text-colour:#b2f188)[."]
[[→|start10.3]](text-colour:#b2f188)["You will be watched over."]